Direct Edmonton Route Bid Farewell Today
4 March 2016
Direct Edmonton Route Bid Farewell Today
Today, Friday March 4, 2016, sees the last direct WestJet flight between Nanaimo and Edmonton taking wing, and the airport has written a love letter to bid farewell to this short-lived, but much-loved route.
Direct Edmonton Route Ends
Over the last month and a half, Nanaimo Airport has been running a “Show Your Love” campaign, encouraging Central Island Residents to share the strong connection and commitment they have to Edmonton and why the route is important. Nearly 1200 residents have shown their support and together with good ridership, we are truly hopeful that the YCD -YEG route will be one of the first routes considered for reinstatement when the economy picks up.
You can still show your support through this route by visiting showyourlove.nanaimoairport.com, engaging with us on Facebook or Twitter or sharing our love letter…
Show Your Love – Love Letter